5 International Equivalents to the Dollar Store (2024)

5 International Equivalents to the Dollar Store (1)

If you are an avid shopper like me, you love a good bargain since it helps you buy more for less. In addition, there’s no better place to get such a deal than at a discount variety store. An example of a ‘true variety store’ is dollar tree which began in 1986, but still continues to serve clients up to this day despite competition from online firms such as eBay and Amazon.

The reason why I call it a ‘true variety store’ is because it sells all of its items for a dollar or less. Imagine buying a steak or kitchenware for 1 dollar, it’s amazing! You may be thinking that because you are from a foreign country, you shouldn’t get your hopes up since you can’t get such a bargain in your country. Well, you’re wrong because there are a number of international stores with the same business model as dollar tree, and I am going to talk about five of them.

1. EuroShop

Based in Germany, EuroShop offers household items such as aluminium foil, batteries, and kitchenware for 1 Euro or less. If you live in Germany, you may have heard of them or passed by one of their shops. They tend to organize a specific group of items into one large plastic container for easy recognition and retrieval.

EuroShop also sells promotional items such as back to school stationery and Christmas toys for the same price. Interestingly, they keep changing their stock so that it keeps up with current trends and remains top quality.

More information: Euroshop

2. Everything 5 Pounds

Registered and Established in England, Everything 5 Pounds is a variety store that tends to focus more on budget clothing, even though they also sell household goods. You won’t find many companies that sell high-quality trendy clothes for 5 pounds or less. Fashion is expensive, but Everything 5 Pounds somehow manages to turn the tables.

Since Everything 5 Pounds has realized that most of their clients are tech-savvy millennials, they post and sell most of their clothes online. The stock is in high demand and sells out within the first few hours of posting. Currently, the firm boasts of having over 1 million registered online users.

More information: Everything 5 Pounds promo code

3. Daiso

Started in Japan, Daiso is sometimes called ‘Japan’s dollar store.’ However, the model is a bit different for Daiso because it doesn’t sell everything for 1 dollar or less. Instead, the store sells several items in boxes at a wholesale price. They prefer that you buy different variations of an item instead of going for just one.

Daiso has grown into a global brand with 4000 stores in different countries. Their main attraction or selling point is traditional Japanese items such as origami paper, fans, calligraphy, sake, and small obento items.

More information: Daiso Slick Deals Offers


Started in the Netherlands in 1926, HEMA was the country’s first variety store. At the time most of its items were priced in cents. They have maintained the tradition of keeping things affordable and formed new habits along the way. HEMA is committed to not only creating quality products for their clients but also making the environment a better place.

Every year, the firm releases a sustainability report showing how they chose their products and transformed the raw materials into finished goods. The company has also discovered a way to make even the most basic food products environmental friendly without destroying the quality, for example, rookworst.

More information: HEMA Shop

5. Flying Tiger

This Danish company is one of the most exciting on this list. Flying Tiger not only makes discount quality items, but it also brings out the fun in people when using these things. The firm’s designers try to give each product a cheerful feel, for example, phone cases with smiley emojis on them.

Interestingly, Flying Tiger takes their design so seriously that they participate in design competitions. In 2016, the firm won the acclaimed Reddot award for their fold design — a decorative food storage container. Other awards won include Golden Hammer and GOOD DESIGN.

More information: Business Insider

The next time that you happen to visit Germany, England, Japan, the Netherlands, or Denmark, pay a visit to these stores and experience budget shopping at another level. Although the pricing will seem similar to American dollar stores, the products are not the same. Each one is crafted with the needs of the natives in mind. To put it in a simple way, visiting these shops will help you understand the culture of the locals.
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5 International Equivalents to the Dollar Store (2024)
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