Agriculture and Food Systems (2024)


May 10, 2024

  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Financial Assistance forSeptic Systems and Wells
  • Maryland Grain Producers:Small Grain Field Days
  • Rodale Institute: Prepare for Battle!How to Establish aFull Spectrum Organic IPM Program
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • 4-H 40th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a focus on Solar Development

April 8, 2024

  • Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition:Adams County Soil Quality Meeting
  • Labor Webinars Planned forAgricultural Employers
  • Hemp Dos And Don’ts
  • 2024 Shooting Clays Fundraiser
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:Cover Crop Grazing Workshop withDr. Allen Williams and Mark Bodkin
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Drone Image Analysis Workshop
  • IPM Review for Ag Service Providers
  • Mountains-to-Bay Grazing AllianceField Day: Dr. Allen Williams
  • Cover Crop Field Day
  • Grazing Field Day

March 8, 2024

  • Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • Cultivating Knowledge Together:Maryland's Peer-PoweredLand Use Workshop
  • 2024 Webinars:Farm Well Drinking Water Quality
  • Free At-Home Drinking Water Testing
  • Unlocking The Potential Of Biochar:Impacts On Soil Health And Productivity
  • Transition to Organic: Seeding Sustainabilityin Maryland Agriculture
  • Delmarva and the Ground for Change
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Answering Your QuestionsAbout Septic Systems
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Organic Vegetable Production:Cover Crops And No-Till Techniques
  • County Calls for Applications forMaryland Agricultural LandPreservation Foundation Program
  • Strategies to Extend the Grazing Season

February 1, 2024

  • Welcome Sabrina Summers
  • We're Hiring
  • Revive Compost
  • Carroll County Private PesticideApplicator Recertification
  • 2024 Maryland AgriculturalPesticide Conference
  • DelMarVa Soil Summit
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension:USDA Information Session
  • Grain Marketing Meetings
  • Managing Human Risk in the Farm andBusiness Conference
  • 2024 Webinars: Miscanthus as anAlternative Crop in the Mid-Atlantic
  • 2024 Western MarylandRegional Fruit Meeting
  • 23rd Women in AgricultureRegional Conference
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Record Keeping on Your Computer Or Smartphone
  • 2024 Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Cottage Foods Business Workshop:Basics, Next Steps & Beyond
  • Maryland Dairy Shrine: Annual Banquet
  • Workforce Development &Extension Internships
  • Maryland Climate-Smart Agriculture Project:Have Your Say….

January 12, 2024

  • University of MarylandNutrient Management Plan Reminders
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course now open!
  • Basic Tips to Maintain a Septic System
  • 2024 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Bi-weekly (every other) Grain Marketing Meetings: Frederick and Carroll Counties
  • Pennsylvania No Till Alliance:Winter Meeting - East
  • 2024 Manure Management Workshop
  • 2024 Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting
  • Penn State Extension:Franklin County Crops Day
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update Meeting

December 1, 2023

  • Stock up for Spring with Revive Compost™ and Double-ground Mulch from Frederick County
  • 2023 Nutrient Management Voucher Training and Recertification
  • Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Rodale Webinar: Impact of traditional and regenerative tillage on soil health and nutrient quality of organic broccoli
  • Northern Maryland Field Crops Day
  • 2023 Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training
  • 2023 Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Grazing Conference
  • Grain Marketing Update 2024

October 27, 2023

  • New Updates to theNutrient Management Program
  • Upcoming Trainings - Pesticide and Nutrient Management Voucher
  • Penn State Extension
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Cover Crop Termination
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Crops and Nitrogen Management
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More ResultsFrom Conservation Practices
  • Rodale Institute
    • Impact Of Soil Management On Soil Health And Vegetables
    • Soil Microbes and Bean Nutrient in Organic and Conventional Systems
  • Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:What New Homeowners Need to KnowAbout a Septic System
  • Agricultural and EnvironmentalLaw Conference
  • Virginia Tech: Organic Farming: Tillage, Chemical Abstinence and Soil Resource Protection

October 2, 2023

  • We're Hiring:Nutrient Management AdvisorFrederick County - Position #128841
  • Upcoming Trainings (Pesticide & Nutrient Voucher)
  • 2023 Women in Agriculture Fall Tour
  • PA Soil Health CoalitionFencepost Fundamentals:Choosing a Cover Crop
  • PASA: Organic, ROC, OPT - what do these certifications and labels mean for dairy graziers and how are they accessed?
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • Future Harvest:Member Meet-up at Farmacy Brewery
  • Wednesday Webinars: Estate Planning
  • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Winter Care for your Well and Septic System
  • Pasture Walk at Ambling Brook Farm
  • AGNR Cornerstone Event:Advancing Agricultural Production Systems
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars:Getting More Results fromConservation Practices

September 7, 2023

  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agricultural Taxes
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Upgrading to anAdvanced Treatment Septic System
  • Pumpkin Twilight Tour
  • Nutrient Management Training Course: Farmer Training & Certification (FTC) Online: For Agronomic Crop and Animal Operations
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day

August 3, 2023

  • Virginia Tech Webinars
    • Soil Health and Organic Productionwith Mark Schonbeck
    • Biological Nutrient Management and Soil Health with Mark Schonbeck
  • Penn State: Ag Progress Days
  • Women in Ag - Wednesday Webinars: Smart Actions for Mental Health
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Invasive Species Affecting Virginia - Spotted Lanternfly and Asian Longhorn Tick
  • 2023 UMES Ag Showcase with Atlantic Tractor
  • Wednesday Water Webinars -Pond Management Basics
  • Record Keeping for Regenerative Farming
  • 2023 4R Symposium
  • County Calls for Installment Purchase Program Applications

July 7, 2023

  • Wednesday Webinars:Alternate Fertility Sourcesfor Forage Systems
  • Agronomy Weed Science Tour
  • Maryland State Horticultural Society Summer Tour
  • Frederick Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Nutrient Management Plan Writing Summit
  • Penn State Extension Agronomic Field Diagnostic Clinic
  • GROW Farmer Forum on Cover Crop Seeding
  • Wednesday Water Webinar:Drinking Water Treatment
  • USDA FSA Information Session
  • Future Harvest Meet-Up at Milkhouse Brewery
  • Estate Planning and Land Transition
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Office of Economic Development Celebrates10 Years of Homegrown Frederick
  • Innovative Agriculture ProjectsSupported by County Grants

June 8, 2023

  • Frederick County's 275th Anniversary Jubilee Schedule of Events
  • Wednesday Webinars:Creating a Farm Lease Agreement
  • Soil Health To Go!With Bay JournalEditor-At-Large, Karl Blankenship
  • Penn State Extension Webinar:Large-Scale Solar fromthe Developer Perspective
  • Frederick County Farm BureauFarm Safety Camp
  • Cultivating Conservation Workshop Webinar
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:What We Need to Know AboutPFAS – the Forever Chemicals
  • Pasture Walk: Clear Springs Creamery
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Marylanders Online Call Center
  • We're Hiring

May 5, 2023

  • Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival
  • Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinars:Farm Well and Septic Care
  • Maryland Department of Agriculture:2023 Deer Summit
  • Financial Assistance Programs forPrivate Wells and Septic Systems
  • Small Grains Field Day
  • County Calls for ApplicationsforCritical Farms Program

April 7, 2023

  • We're Hiring
  • Hoof Health Workshop for Dairy
  • Sustainable Food Lecture Series
  • Women in Ag Wednesday Webinars
  • Soil Health To Go!
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • Wednesday Water Webinars
  • Wildlife Wednesday
  • Pasture Walk at University of Maryland Dairy
  • So You Want to Own Rural Land in Maryland
  • Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology Summer 2023 Communications Internship

March2, 2023

  • Diacamba Pesticide Training
  • Wednesday WebinarsSmartphone Studio
  • Wednesday Water WebinarBasic Tips for Managing Ponds
  • Farm Wells and Drinking Water Quality
  • USDA Information Session Zoom Event
  • QuickBooks for Farmers, Part1Zoom Event
  • Conservation Drainage Network2023 Annual Meeting
  • Landowner OrientedAgricultural Law Webinars
  • Diversify Your Cover CropsOn-Farm Series
  • Application Period Opens forMDAgricultural Land PreservationFoundation Program

February 2, 2023

  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Power Couples Retreat
  • Private Applicator Pesticide TrainingCarroll County
  • Central Maryland Commercial ApplicatorRecertification Course
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health:Presented by Catoctin and FrederickSCD's &The Frederick Co. FB
  • Women In Ag Wednesday Webinars:Precision AgricultureHardware and Equipment
  • Annual Implementation Reports (AIR) Help Day
  • Nutrient Management PlanUpdate Sessions for 2023
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Upgrading Your Septic System to Best Available Technology
  • Wildlife Wednesday:Agronomic Considerations for PlantingWildlife Food Plots in Maryland: Dove & Deer
  • 22nd Women In AgricultureRegional Conference
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore:Agribusiness Tax Management Workshop
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Annie's Project Course
  • Poultry Legal Issues:Suspicious Vehicles and Drones
  • Wednesday Webinars: Smartphone Studio


May 10, 2024

  • 2024 Basic Grazing School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Financial Assistance forSeptic Systems and Wells
  • Pasture Walk at New Roots Farm
  • VT/Virginia Soil Health Alliance:Agroforestry Field Day
  • Maryland Grain Producers:Small Grain Field Days
  • Rodale Institute: Prepare for Battle!How to Establish aFull Spectrum Organic IPM Program
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • 4-H 40th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a focus on Solar Development

April 8, 2024

  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Microplastics – Concerns and What CanWe Do About Them
  • Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition:Adams County Soil Quality Meeting
  • Labor Webinars Planned forAgricultural Employers
  • Hemp Dos And Don’ts
  • 2024 Shooting Clays Fundraiser
  • Pasture Walk at Hidden Waters Farm
  • Small Ruminants:To Cull Or Not To Cull?
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:Cover Crop Grazing Workshop withDr. Allen Williams and Mark Bodkin
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • IPM Review for Ag Service Providers
  • Mountains-to-Bay Grazing AllianceField Day: Dr. Allen Williams
  • Cover Crop Field Day
  • Grazing Field Day

March 8, 2024

  • Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • Cultivating Knowledge Together:Maryland's Peer-PoweredLand Use Workshop
  • 2024 Webinars:Farm Well Drinking Water Quality
  • Free At-Home Drinking Water Testing
  • Unlocking The Potential Of Biochar:Impacts On Soil Health And Productivity
  • Transition to Organic: Seeding Sustainabilityin Maryland Agriculture
  • Delmarva and the Ground for Change
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Answering Your QuestionsAbout Septic Systems
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Organic Vegetable Production:Cover Crops And No-Till Techniques
  • County Calls for Applications forMaryland Agricultural LandPreservation Foundation Program
  • Strategies to Extend the Grazing Season

February 1, 2024

  • Welcome Sabrina Summers
  • We're Hiring
  • Revive Compost
  • Carroll County Private PesticideApplicator Recertification
  • 2024 Maryland AgriculturalPesticide Conference
  • DelMarVa Soil Summit
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension:USDA Information Session
  • Grain Marketing Meetings
  • Managing Human Risk in the Farm andBusiness Conference
  • 2024 Webinars: Miscanthus as anAlternative Crop in the Mid-Atlantic
  • 2024 Western MarylandRegional Fruit Meeting
  • 23rd Women in AgricultureRegional Conference
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Record Keeping on Your Computer Or Smartphone
  • 2024 Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Cottage Foods Business Workshop:Basics, Next Steps & Beyond
  • Maryland Dairy Shrine: Annual Banquet
  • Workforce Development &Extension Internships
  • Maryland Climate-Smart Agriculture Project:Have Your Say….

January 12, 2024

  • University of MarylandNutrient Management Plan Reminders
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course now open!
  • Basic Tips to Maintain a Septic System
  • Future Harvest 2024 Annual Conference:Nourish and Flourish
  • 2024 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Bi-weekly (every other) Grain Marketing Meetings: Frederick and Carroll Counties
  • Pennsylvania No Till Alliance:Winter Meeting - East
  • 2024 Manure Management Workshop
  • 2024 Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting
  • Penn State Extension:Franklin County Crops Day
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update Meeting

December 1, 2023

  • Stock up for Spring with Revive Compost™ and Double-ground Mulch from Frederick County
  • 2023 Nutrient Management Voucher Training and Recertification
  • Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Rodale Webinar: Impact of traditional and regenerative tillage on soil health and nutrient quality of organic broccoli
  • 2023 Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training
  • 2023 Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Grazing Conference
  • Grain Marketing Update 2024

October 27, 2023

  • New Updates to theNutrient Management Program
  • Upcoming Trainings - Pesticide and Nutrient Management Voucher
  • Penn State Extension
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Cover Crop Termination
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Crops and Nitrogen Management
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Backyard Farming Zoom Sessions:Small Ruminant 911s
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More ResultsFrom Conservation Practices
  • Pasture Walk at Sasscer Farms
  • Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:What New Homeowners Need to KnowAbout a Septic System
  • Agricultural and EnvironmentalLaw Conference
  • Virginia Tech: Organic Farming: Tillage, Chemical Abstinence and Soil Resource Protection

October 2, 2023

  • We're Hiring:Nutrient Management AdvisorFrederick County - Position #128841
  • Upcoming Trainings (Pesticide & Nutrient Voucher)
  • 2023 Women in Agriculture Fall Tour
  • PA Soil Health CoalitionFencepost Fundamentals:Choosing a Cover Crop
  • PASA: Organic, ROC, OPT - what do these certifications and labels mean for dairy graziers and how are they accessed?
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • VT/Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp
    • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Future Harvest:Member Meet-up at Farmacy Brewery
  • Wednesday Webinars: Estate Planning
  • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Winter Care for your Well and Septic System
  • Pasture Walk at Ambling Brook Farm
  • AGNR Cornerstone Event:Advancing Agricultural Production Systems
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars:Getting More Results fromConservation Practices

September 7, 2023

  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agricultural Taxes
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Upgrading to anAdvanced Treatment Septic System
  • Maryland Grazing School 2023
  • Nutrient Management Training Course: Farmer Training & Certification (FTC) Online: For Agronomic Crop and Animal Operations
  • Pasture Walk at Aerie Farm East
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:
    • 2023 Stockmanship/Grazing Infrastructure Training
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp

August 3, 2023

  • Virginia Tech Webinars
    • Soil Health and Organic Productionwith Mark Schonbeck
    • Biological Nutrient Management and Soil Health with Mark Schonbeck
  • Penn State: Ag Progress Days
  • Women in Ag - Wednesday Webinars: Smart Actions for Mental Health
  • Pasture Management Seminar
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Invasive Species Affecting Virginia - Spotted Lanternfly and Asian Longhorn Tick
  • 2023 UMES Ag Showcase with Atlantic Tractor
  • Wednesday Water Webinars -Pond Management Basics
  • Pasture Walk at Leaning Pine Farm
  • Extending The Sheep & Goat Grazing SeasonVirtual Pasture Walk
  • Record Keeping for Regenerative Farming
  • 2023 4R Symposium
  • County Calls for Installment Purchase Program Applications

July 7, 2023

  • Pasture Walk - WMREC
  • 2023 Tick Education / Pasture Walk Series
  • Wednesday Webinars:Alternate Fertility Sourcesfor Forage Systems
  • Agronomy Weed Science Tour
  • Frederick Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Nutrient Management Plan Writing Summit
  • Wednesday Water Webinar:Drinking Water Treatment
  • Future HarvestRegenerative Grazing, Silvopastureand More at Porch View Farm
  • USDA FSA Information Session
  • Future Harvest Meet-Up at Milkhouse Brewery
  • Estate Planning and Land Transition
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Beef Summer Field Day
  • Hand 'n Hand Livestock SolutionsOnline Courses: Proper Stockmanshipand/or Livestock Marketing
  • Office of Economic Development Celebrates10 Years of Homegrown Frederick
  • Innovative Agriculture ProjectsSupported by County Grants

June 8, 2023

  • Frederick County's 275th Anniversary Jubilee Schedule of Events
  • Wednesday Webinars:Creating a Farm Lease Agreement
  • Soil Health To Go!With Bay JournalEditor-At-Large, Karl Blankenship
  • Penn State Extension Webinar:Large-Scale Solar fromthe Developer Perspective
  • Frederick County Farm BureauFarm Safety Camp
  • Cultivating Conservation Workshop Webinar
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:What We Need to Know AboutPFAS – the Forever Chemicals
  • Pasture Walk: Clear Springs Creamery
  • Hand 'n Hand Livestock Solutions Proper Livestock Marketing
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Marylanders Online Call Center
  • We're Hiring

May 5, 2023

  • Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival
  • Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinars:Farm Well and Septic Care
  • Maryland Department of Agriculture:2023 Deer Summit
  • Financial Assistance Programs forPrivate Wells and Septic Systems
  • Small Grains Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:Summer Pasture Walk at Burnley Farm
  • Pasture Walk at Goose Hill Farm
  • County Calls for ApplicationsforCritical Farms Program

April 7, 2023

  • We're Hiring
  • Hoof Health Workshop for Dairy
  • Sustainable Food Lecture Series
  • Women in Ag Wednesday Webinars
  • Soil Health To Go!
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • Wednesday Water Webinars
  • Wildlife Wednesday
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
  • 2023 Basic Grazing School
  • Pasture Walk at University of Maryland Dairy
  • So You Want to Own Rural Land in Maryland
  • Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology Summer 2023 Communications Internship

March2, 2023

  • Wednesday WebinarsSmartphone Studio
  • USDA Information Session Zoom Event
  • QuickBooks for Farmers, Part1Zoom Event
  • Wednesday Water WebinarBasic Tips for Managing Ponds
  • Farm Wells and Drinking Water Quality
  • Diversify Your Cover CropsOn-Farm Series
  • Landowner OrientedAgricultural Law Webinars
  • Application Period Opens forMDAgricultural Land PreservationFoundation Program

February 2, 2023

  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Power Couples Retreat
  • Private Applicator Pesticide TrainingCarroll County
  • Central Maryland Commercial ApplicatorRecertification Course
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health:Presented by Catoctin and FrederickSCD's &The Frederick Co. FB
  • Women In Ag Wednesday Webinars:Precision AgricultureHardware and Equipment
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Changes to Livestock Antibiotic Regulations in 2023
  • Annual Implementation Reports (AIR) Help Day
  • Nutrient Management PlanUpdate Sessions for 2023
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Upgrading Your Septic System to Best Available Technology
  • Wildlife Wednesday:Agronomic Considerations for PlantingWildlife Food Plots in Maryland: Dove & Deer
  • 22nd Women In AgricultureRegional Conference
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore:Agribusiness Tax Management Workshop
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Annie's Project Course
  • Poultry Legal Issues:Suspicious Vehicles and Drones
  • Wednesday Webinars: Smartphone Studio


May 10, 2024

  • 2024 Basic Grazing School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Financial Assistance forSeptic Systems and Wells
  • Pasture Walk at New Roots Farm
  • VT/Virginia Soil Health Alliance:Agroforestry Field Day
  • Maryland Grain Producers:Small Grain Field Days
  • Rodale Institute: Prepare for Battle!How to Establish aFull Spectrum Organic IPM Program
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • 4-H 40th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a focus on Solar Development

April 8, 2024

  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Microplastics – Concerns and What CanWe Do About Them
  • Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition:Adams County Soil Quality Meeting
  • Labor Webinars Planned forAgricultural Employers
  • Hemp Dos And Don’ts
  • 2024 Shooting Clays Fundraiser
  • Pasture Walk at Hidden Waters Farm
  • Small Ruminants:To Cull Or Not To Cull?
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:Cover Crop Grazing Workshop withDr. Allen Williams and Mark Bodkin
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • IPM Review for Ag Service Providers
  • Mountains-to-Bay Grazing AllianceField Day: Dr. Allen Williams
  • Cover Crop Field Day
  • Grazing Field Day

March 8, 2024

  • Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • Cultivating Knowledge Together:Maryland's Peer-PoweredLand Use Workshop
  • 2024 Webinars:Farm Well Drinking Water Quality
  • Free At-Home Drinking Water Testing
  • Unlocking The Potential Of Biochar:Impacts On Soil Health And Productivity
  • Transition to Organic: Seeding Sustainabilityin Maryland Agriculture
  • Delmarva and the Ground for Change
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Answering Your QuestionsAbout Septic Systems
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Organic Vegetable Production:Cover Crops And No-Till Techniques
  • County Calls for Applications forMaryland Agricultural LandPreservation Foundation Program
  • Strategies to Extend the Grazing Season

February 1, 2024

  • Welcome Sabrina Summers
  • We're Hiring
  • Revive Compost
  • Carroll County Private PesticideApplicator Recertification
  • 2024 Maryland AgriculturalPesticide Conference
  • DelMarVa Soil Summit
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension:USDA Information Session
  • Grain Marketing Meetings
  • Managing Human Risk in the Farm andBusiness Conference
  • 2024 Webinars: Miscanthus as anAlternative Crop in the Mid-Atlantic
  • 2024 Western MarylandRegional Fruit Meeting
  • 23rd Women in AgricultureRegional Conference
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Record Keeping on Your Computer Or Smartphone
  • 2024 Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Cottage Foods Business Workshop:Basics, Next Steps & Beyond
  • Maryland Dairy Shrine: Annual Banquet
  • Workforce Development &Extension Internships
  • Maryland Climate-Smart Agriculture Project:Have Your Say….

January 12, 2024

  • University of MarylandNutrient Management Plan Reminders
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course now open!
  • Milk Quality Workshop: Tools to Reduce Mastitis on Your Farm
  • Basic Tips to Maintain a Septic System
  • Future Harvest 2024 Annual Conference:Nourish and Flourish
  • 2024 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Bi-weekly (every other) Grain Marketing Meetings: Frederick and Carroll Counties
  • Pennsylvania No Till Alliance:Winter Meeting - East
  • 2024 Manure Management Workshop
  • 2024 Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting
  • Penn State Extension:Franklin County Crops Day
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update Meeting

December 1, 2023

  • Stock up for Spring with Revive Compost™ and Double-ground Mulch from Frederick County
  • 2023 Nutrient Management Voucher Training and Recertification
  • Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Rodale Webinar: Impact of traditional and regenerative tillage on soil health and nutrient quality of organic broccoli
  • 2023 Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training
  • 2023 Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Grazing Conference
  • Grain Marketing Update 2024

October 27, 2023

  • New Updates to theNutrient Management Program
  • Upcoming Trainings - Pesticide and Nutrient Management Voucher
  • Penn State Extension
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Cover Crop Termination
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Crops and Nitrogen Management
  • Future Harvest:Nice Farms Creamery Field Day
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More ResultsFrom Conservation Practices
  • Pasture Walk at Sasscer Farms
  • Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:What New Homeowners Need to KnowAbout a Septic System
  • Agricultural and EnvironmentalLaw Conference
  • Virginia Tech: Organic Farming: Tillage, Chemical Abstinence and Soil Resource Protection

October 2, 2023

  • We're Hiring:Nutrient Management AdvisorFrederick County - Position #128841
  • Upcoming Trainings (Pesticide & Nutrient Voucher)
  • 2023 Women in Agriculture Fall Tour
  • PA Soil Health CoalitionFencepost Fundamentals:Choosing a Cover Crop
  • PASA: Organic, ROC, OPT - what do these certifications and labels mean for dairy graziers and how are they accessed?
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • VT/Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp
    • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Future Harvest:Member Meet-up at Farmacy Brewery
  • Wednesday Webinars: Estate Planning
  • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Winter Care for your Well and Septic System
  • Pasture Walk at Ambling Brook Farm
  • AGNR Cornerstone Event:Advancing Agricultural Production Systems
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars:Getting More Results fromConservation Practices

September 6, 2023

  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agricultural Taxes
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Upgrading to anAdvanced Treatment Septic System
  • Maryland Grazing School 2023
  • Nutrient Management Training Course: Farmer Training & Certification (FTC) Online: For Agronomic Crop and Animal Operations
  • Pasture Walk at Aerie Farm East
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:
    • 2023 Stockmanship/Grazing Infrastructure Training
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp

August 3, 2023

  • Virginia Tech Webinars
    • Soil Health and Organic Productionwith Mark Schonbeck
    • Biological Nutrient Management and Soil Health with Mark Schonbeck
  • Penn State: Ag Progress Days
  • Women in Ag - Wednesday Webinars: Smart Actions for Mental Health
  • Pasture Management Seminar
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Invasive Species Affecting Virginia - Spotted Lanternfly and Asian Longhorn Tick
  • 2023 UMES Ag Showcase with Atlantic Tractor
  • Wednesday Water Webinars -Pond Management Basics
  • Pasture Walk at Leaning Pine Farm
  • Extending The Sheep & Goat Grazing SeasonVirtual Pasture Walk
  • Record Keeping for Regenerative Farming
  • 2023 4R Symposium
  • County Calls for Installment Purchase Program Applications

July 7, 2023

  • Maryland State Sale
  • Pasture Walk - WMREC
  • 2023 Tick Education / Pasture Walk Series
  • Wednesday Webinars:Alternate Fertility Sourcesfor Forage Systems
  • Agronomy Weed Science Tour
  • Frederick Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Nutrient Management Plan Writing Summit
  • Wednesday Water Webinar:Drinking Water Treatment
  • Future HarvestRegenerative Grazing, Silvopastureand More at Porch View Farm
  • USDA FSA Information Session
  • Future Harvest Meet-Up at Milkhouse Brewery
  • Estate Planning and Land Transition
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Hand 'n Hand Livestock SolutionsOnline Courses: Proper Stockmanshipand/or Livestock Marketing
  • Office of Economic Development Celebrates10 Years of Homegrown Frederick
  • Innovative Agriculture ProjectsSupported by County Grants

June 8, 2023

  • Frederick County's 275th Anniversary Jubilee Schedule of Events
  • Wednesday Webinars:Creating a Farm Lease Agreement
  • Soil Health To Go!With Bay JournalEditor-At-Large, Karl Blankenship
  • Penn State Extension Webinar:Large-Scale Solar fromthe Developer Perspective
  • Frederick County Farm BureauFarm Safety Camp
  • Cultivating Conservation Workshop Webinar
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:What We Need to Know AboutPFAS – the Forever Chemicals
  • Pasture Walk: Clear Springs Creamery
  • Hand 'n Hand Livestock Solutions Proper Livestock Marketing
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Marylanders Online Call Center
  • We're Hiring

May 5, 2023

  • Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival
  • Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinars:Farm Well and Septic Care
  • Maryland Department of Agriculture:2023 Deer Summit
  • Financial Assistance Programs forPrivate Wells and Septic Systems
  • Small Grains Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:Summer Pasture Walk at Burnley Farm
  • Pasture Walk at Goose Hill Farm
  • County Calls for ApplicationsforCritical Farms Program

April 7, 2023

  • We're Hiring
  • Hoof Health Workshop for Dairy
  • Sustainable Food Lecture Series
  • Women in Ag Wednesday Webinars
  • Soil Health To Go!
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • Wednesday Water Webinars
  • Wildlife Wednesday
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
  • 2023 Basic Grazing School
  • Pasture Walk at University of Maryland Dairy
  • Spring Dairy Awards Banquet
  • So You Want to Own Rural Land in Maryland
  • Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology Summer 2023 Communications Internship

March2, 2023

  • Wednesday WebinarsSmartphone Studio
  • USDA Information Session Zoom Event
  • QuickBooks for Farmers, Part1Zoom Event
  • Wednesday Water WebinarBasic Tips for Managing Ponds
  • Farm Wells and Drinking Water Quality
  • Diversify Your Cover CropsOn-Farm Series
  • Landowner OrientedAgricultural Law Webinars
  • Application Period Opens forMDAgricultural Land PreservationFoundation Program

February 2, 2023

  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Power Couples Retreat
  • Private Applicator Pesticide TrainingCarroll County
  • Central Maryland Commercial ApplicatorRecertification Course
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health:Presented by Catoctin and FrederickSCD's &The Frederick Co. FB
  • 2023 Pennsylvania Dairy Summit
  • Women In Ag Wednesday Webinars:Precision AgricultureHardware and Equipment
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Changes to Livestock Antibiotic Regulations in 2023
  • Annual Implementation Reports (AIR) Help Day
  • Nutrient Management PlanUpdate Sessions for 2023
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Upgrading Your Septic System to Best Available Technology
  • Wildlife Wednesday:Agronomic Considerations for PlantingWildlife Food Plots in Maryland: Dove & Deer
  • 22nd Women In AgricultureRegional Conference
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore:Agribusiness Tax Management Workshop
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Annie's Project Course
  • Poultry Legal Issues:Suspicious Vehicles and Drones
  • Wednesday Webinars: Smartphone Studio

January 5, 2023

  • 2023 Pennsylvania Farm Show
  • Delaware Ag Week 2023
  • Carroll County Mid-Winter Meeting
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Smart Use of Deicing Salts
  • VA Cooperative Extension:
    • Recordkeeping on your Computer or Smartphone
    • How to Write a Business Plan for Lenders
  • 2023 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: 2023 Winter Forage Conference Series
  • Landowner OrientedAgricultural Law Workshop
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid
  • Private Applicator RecertificationCarroll County
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update

December 1, 2022

  • Private Applicator Pesticide Recertification- Frederick County Office
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Recertification- Carroll County Office
  • Nutrient Management VoucherTraining & Recertification-Frederick County Office
  • 2023 Custom Rate Survey
  • We're Hiring: Agricultural Technician Lead
  • Cattle Health Management - CALVING
  • Ag Law Education InitiativeUpcoming Events & Programs
  • Wednesday Water Webinar:Winter Care for a Septic System
  • Wednesday Webinar:Understanding Property Purchase Agreements
  • Application Period for 2022 Creek ReLeaf Program Will Close on December 15, 2022
  • Holiday Wishes
  • A Guide to Custom Operators

November 3, 2022

  • Fall Training & Recertification Classes
  • We're Hiring for the Frederick Office Central Cluster Area Extension Director
  • 2023 Custom Rate Survey Open
  • Adult Mental Health First Aid:Virtual Applied Skills Workshop
  • Dairy Animal Care Workshop-Garrett County
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series:Benchmarking for Success
  • Wednesday Webinar:Keeping Your Fields Fine and Dandy-lion Free
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Trainingand Testing- Washington County
  • Pasture Walk at UMD Beef Demonstration Site
  • Cattle Health Management - Calving

September 30, 2022

  • Fall Training & Recertification Classes
  • We're Hiring for the Frederick Office4-H Youth Development Agent
  • MD 4-H Foundation's 38th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Open House: Institute of Applied Agriculture
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: UtilizingCrop Residue as a Forage Source
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agriculture Leases
  • Pasture Walk at Fiddlers Folly Farm
  • Wednesday Water Webinar:Things New Homeowners Need to KnowAbout Their Septic System
  • Stakeholder MeetingsValue Added Center
  • Maryland Advanced Grazing Workshopwith Ranching for Profit
  • Wednesday Webinar: Regulatory Decision Trees for Value-Added Foods
  • Agricultural and EnvironmentalLaw Conference
  • Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School

September 1, 2022

  • Pesticide and Nutrient Voucher Training & Recertification
  • Potomac Edison Agricultural Energy Efficient Incentive Program
  • WMREC Sprayer and Pesticide ApplicationTwilight Meeting
  • Effective Pesticide Application Twilight - WyeREC
  • Online Course: The Woods in Your Backyard
  • Let's Talk About Climate Change: Motivate Everyone You Know to Be Part of the Solution
  • Solar Workshops
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Spring Stocker Cattle Recap: Successes and Lessons Learned
  • Wednesday Webinar: Decision Making Resources and Tools for Cover Cropping and Other Best Management Practices
  • Wednesday Webinar: Farming Time Management
  • Maryland’s 2022 Pesticide ContainerRecycling Program
  • Woodland & Wildlife Wednesdays
  • Pasture Walk at Kefauver Farms
  • Pasture Walk at Fiddlers Folly Farm
  • Maryland Grazing School
  • We're Hiring - Business Services Specialist

July 28, 2022

  • 2022 Wheat and Barley Yield and Disease Trial
  • ALEI August Webinar Series
  • ANMP Summer Series Part 2:Optimizing Fertilizer Use andPhosphorus Mining
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series:Pasture Management: Stockpiling Tips
  • New MDA Animal Diagnostic Laband Education Tour
  • Solar on the Farm
  • Virtual Forum: We Need an Epidemic of Climate Action
  • Wednesday Webinar: Farm Stress Management and Resiliency
  • Pasture Walk at Sines Family Farm
  • Virginia Tech Shenandoah Valley Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2022 Field Day
  • The Maryland State Fair
  • Penn State's Ag Progress Days
  • WMREC Sprayer and Pesticide Application Twilight Meeting
  • Maryland's 2022 Pesticide Container Recycling Program

June 30, 2022

  • Cover Your Bases - Plant Cover Crops
  • 2022 Maryland Commodity Classic
  • Tractor College: Maryland Soybean Board and Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board
  • North American Manure Expo:“Professionalism in Nutrient Management”
  • Frederick County Farm Bureau Annual Picnic
  • Farming Practices Request
  • Upcoming Webinars & Field Days

March 9, 2022

  • Avian Influenza
  • Dicamba and Paraquat Trainings
  • MDA Farming for Healthy Soil Program
  • Free Therapy Services for Farm Families
  • Applications Open forAgriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • County Calls for Applications for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program
  • Questions During the Growing Season?
  • FCMG Plant Sale

January 28, 2022

  • Ag Agent Position
  • USDA Confirms Additional Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
  • Central MD Agronomy Update Meeting
  • Well Water Quality Survey and Project
  • AIR Help Day
  • Nutrient Management Farmer Training and Certification
  • Annie's Project
  • Solar Development Leasing: University of MarylandFocus Group Interest & Availability
  • Solar Workshops
  • Upcoming Ag Programs

Pasture Walk

May 10, 2024

  • 2024 Basic Grazing School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Financial Assistance forSeptic Systems and Wells
  • Pasture Walk at New Roots Farm
  • VT/Virginia Soil Health Alliance:Agroforestry Field Day
  • Maryland Grain Producers:Small Grain Field Days
  • Boots to Business Emerging Farmer
  • Rodale Institute: Prepare for Battle!How to Establish aFull Spectrum Organic IPM Program
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlanticwith a focus on Solar Development
  • 4-H 40th Annual Golf Tournament

April 8, 2024

  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Microplastics – Concerns and What CanWe Do About Them
  • Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition:Adams County Soil Quality Meeting
  • Labor Webinars Planned forAgricultural Employers
  • Hemp Dos And Don’ts
  • 2024 Shooting Clays Fundraiser
  • Pasture Walk at Hidden Waters Farm
  • Small Ruminants:To Cull Or Not To Cull?
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:Cover Crop Grazing Workshop withDr. Allen Williams and Mark Bodkin
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • IPM Review for Ag Service Providers
  • Mountains-to-Bay Grazing AllianceField Day: Dr. Allen Williams
  • Cover Crop Field Day
  • Grazing Field Day

March 8, 2024

  • Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • Cultivating Knowledge Together:Maryland's Peer-PoweredLand Use Workshop
  • 2024 Webinars:Farm Well Drinking Water Quality
  • Free At-Home Drinking Water Testing
  • Soil Health To Go!With One Acre Farm
  • Unlocking The Potential Of Biochar:Impacts On Soil Health And Productivity
  • Transition to Organic: Seeding Sustainabilityin Maryland Agriculture
  • Delmarva and the Ground for Change
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Answering Your QuestionsAbout Septic Systems
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Organic Vegetable Production:Cover Crops And No-Till Techniques
  • County Calls for Applications forMaryland Agricultural LandPreservation Foundation Program
  • Strategies to Extend the Grazing Season

February 1, 2024

  • Welcome Sabrina Summers
  • We're Hiring
  • Revive Compost
  • Carroll County Private PesticideApplicator Recertification
  • 2024 Maryland AgriculturalPesticide Conference
  • DelMarVa Soil Summit
  • UME & Maryland Horse Board:FARMING & FINANCES:Agricultural Accounting Seminar
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension:USDA Information Session
  • Grain Marketing Meetings
  • Managing Human Risk in the Farm andBusiness Conference
  • 2024 Webinars: Miscanthus as anAlternative Crop in the Mid-Atlantic
  • 2024 Western MarylandRegional Fruit Meeting
  • 23rd Women in AgricultureRegional Conference
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension:Small Farm Orientation
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Record Keeping on Your Computer Or Smartphone
  • 2024 Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Cottage Foods Business Workshop:Basics, Next Steps & Beyond
  • Maryland Dairy Shrine: Annual Banquet
  • Workforce Development &Extension Internships
  • Maryland Climate-Smart Agriculture Project:Have Your Say….

January 12, 2024

  • University of MarylandNutrient Management Plan Reminders
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course now open!
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension:Small Farm Orientation
  • Basic Tips to Maintain a Septic System
  • Future Harvest 2024 Annual Conference:Nourish and Flourish
  • 2024 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Bi-weekly (every other) Grain Marketing Meetings: Frederick and Carroll Counties
  • Pennsylvania No Till Alliance:Winter Meeting - East
  • 2024 Manure Management Workshop
  • 2024 Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update Meeting

December 1, 2023

  • Stock up for Spring with Revive Compost™ and Double-ground Mulch from Frederick County
  • 2023 Nutrient Management Voucher Training and Recertification
  • Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Rodale Webinar: Impact of traditional and regenerative tillage on soil health and nutrient quality of organic broccoli
  • 2023 Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training
  • 2023 Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Grazing Conference

October 27, 2023

  • New Updates to theNutrient Management Program
  • Upcoming Trainings - Pesticide and Nutrient Management Voucher
  • Penn State Extension
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Cover Crop Termination
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Crops and Nitrogen Management
  • Future Harvest:Nice Farms Creamery Field Day
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Backyard Farming Zoom Sessions:Small Ruminant 911s
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More ResultsFrom Conservation Practices
  • Pasture Walk at Sasscer Farms
  • Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:What New Homeowners Need to KnowAbout a Septic System
  • Agricultural and EnvironmentalLaw Conference
  • Virginia Tech: Organic Farming: Tillage, Chemical Abstinence and Soil Resource Protection

October 2, 2023

  • We're Hiring:Nutrient Management AdvisorFrederick County - Position #128841
  • Upcoming Trainings (Pesticide & Nutrient Voucher)
  • 2023 Women in Agriculture Fall Tour
  • PA Soil Health CoalitionFencepost Fundamentals:Choosing a Cover Crop
  • PASA: Organic, ROC, OPT - what do these certifications and labels mean for dairy graziers and how are they accessed?
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • VT/Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp
    • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Future Harvest:Member Meet-up at Farmacy Brewery
  • Wednesday Webinars: Estate Planning
  • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Winter Care for your Well and Septic System
  • Pasture Walk at Ambling Brook Farm
  • AGNR Cornerstone Event:Advancing Agricultural Production Systems
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars:Getting More Results fromConservation Practices

September 6, 2023

  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Future Harvest: Beginner Farmer Training Program Applications are now available
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agricultural Taxes
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Upgrading to anAdvanced Treatment Septic System
  • Maryland Grazing School 2023
  • Nutrient Management Training Course: Farmer Training & Certification (FTC) Online: For Agronomic Crop and Animal Operations
  • Pasture Walk at Aerie Farm East
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:
    • 2023 Stockmanship/Grazing Infrastructure Training
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp

August 3, 2023

  • Virginia Tech Webinars
    • Soil Health and Organic Productionwith Mark Schonbeck
    • Biological Nutrient Management and Soil Health with Mark Schonbeck
  • Penn State: Ag Progress Days
  • Women in Ag - Wednesday Webinars: Smart Actions for Mental Health
  • Pasture Management Seminar
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Invasive Species Affecting Virginia - Spotted Lanternfly and Asian Longhorn Tick
  • 2023 UMES Ag Showcase with Atlantic Tractor
  • Wednesday Water Webinars -Pond Management Basics
  • Pasture Walk at Leaning Pine Farm
  • Extending The Sheep & Goat Grazing SeasonVirtual Pasture Walk
  • Record Keeping for Regenerative Farming
  • 2023 4R Symposium
  • County Calls for Installment Purchase Program Applications

July 7, 2023

  • Pasture Walk - WMREC
  • 2023 Tick Education / Pasture Walk Series
  • Wednesday Webinars:Alternate Fertility Sourcesfor Forage Systems
  • Nutrient Management Plan Writing Summit
  • Wednesday Water Webinar:Drinking Water Treatment
  • Future HarvestRegenerative Grazing, Silvopastureand More at Porch View Farm
  • USDA FSA Information Session
  • Future Harvest Meet-Up at Milkhouse Brewery
  • Estate Planning and Land Transition
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Office of Economic Development Celebrates10 Years of Homegrown Frederick
  • Innovative Agriculture ProjectsSupported by County Grants

June 8, 2023

  • Frederick County's 275th Anniversary Jubilee Schedule of Events
  • Wednesday Webinars:Creating a Farm Lease Agreement
  • Soil Health To Go!With Bay JournalEditor-At-Large, Karl Blankenship
  • Penn State Extension Webinar:Large-Scale Solar fromthe Developer Perspective
  • Frederick County Farm BureauFarm Safety Camp
  • Cultivating Conservation Workshop Webinar
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:What We Need to Know AboutPFAS – the Forever Chemicals
  • Pasture Walk: Clear Springs Creamery
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Marylanders Online Call Center
  • We're Hiring

May 5, 2023

  • Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival
  • Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinars:Farm Well and Septic Care
  • Maryland Department of Agriculture:2023 Deer Summit
  • Financial Assistance Programs forPrivate Wells and Septic Systems
  • Small Grains Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:Summer Pasture Walk at Burnley Farm
  • Pasture Walk at Goose Hill Farm
  • County Calls for ApplicationsforCritical Farms Program

April 7, 2023

  • We're Hiring
  • Hoof Health Workshop for Dairy
  • Sustainable Food Lecture Series
  • Agritourism: How to Fully Utilize Your Land & Resources
  • Women in Ag Wednesday Webinars
  • Soil Health To Go!
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • Wednesday Water Webinars
  • Wildlife Wednesday
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
  • 2023 Basic Grazing School
  • Introduction to Permaculture and Site Design Workshop
  • Pasture Walk at University of Maryland Dairy
  • So You Want to Own Rural Land in Maryland
  • Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology Summer 2023 Communications Internship

March2, 2023

  • Wednesday WebinarsSmartphone Studio
  • USDA Information Session Zoom Event
  • QuickBooks for Farmers, Part1Zoom Event
  • Wednesday Water WebinarBasic Tips for Managing Ponds
  • Farm Wells and Drinking Water Quality
  • Diversify Your Cover CropsOn-Farm Series
  • Landowner OrientedAgricultural Law Webinars
  • Application Period Opens forMDAgricultural Land PreservationFoundation Program

February 2, 2023

  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Maryland Sheep Breeders Association 2023 Sheep Shearing School
  • Power Couples Retreat
  • Private Applicator Pesticide TrainingCarroll County
  • Central Maryland Commercial ApplicatorRecertification Course
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health:Presented by Catoctin and FrederickSCD's &The Frederick Co. FB
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Changes to Livestock Antibiotic Regulations in 2023
  • Annual Implementation Reports (AIR) Help Day
  • Nutrient Management PlanUpdate Sessions for 2023
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Upgrading Your Septic System to Best Available Technology
  • Wildlife Wednesday:Agronomic Considerations for PlantingWildlife Food Plots in Maryland: Dove & Deer
  • 22nd Women In AgricultureRegional Conference
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore:Agribusiness Tax Management Workshop
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Annie's Project Course
  • Poultry Legal Issues:Suspicious Vehicles and Drones
  • Wednesday Webinars: Smartphone Studio

January 5, 2023

  • 2023 Pennsylvania Farm Show
  • Delaware Ag Week 2023
  • Wednesday Webinars: Benchmarking for Success of the Cow-Calf Herd
  • Future Harvest Conference
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Smart Use of Deicing Salts
  • VA Cooperative Extension:
    • Recordkeeping on your Computer or Smartphone
    • How to Write a Business Plan for Lenders
  • 2023 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: 2023 Winter Forage Conference Series
  • Landowner OrientedAgricultural Law Workshop
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid
  • Private Applicator RecertificationCarroll County
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Maryland Sheep Breeders Association 2023 Sheep Shearing School
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update

December 1, 2022

  • Private Applicator Pesticide Recertification- Frederick County Office
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Recertification- Carroll County Office
  • Nutrient Management VoucherTraining & Recertification-Frederick County Office
  • 2023 Custom Rate Survey
  • We're Hiring: Agricultural Technician Lead
  • Cattle Health Management - CALVING
  • Ag Law Education InitiativeUpcoming Events & Programs
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series:Wintering Bulls & Cows
  • Wednesday Water Webinar:Winter Care for a Septic System
  • Wednesday Webinar:Understanding Property Purchase Agreements
  • Application Period for 2022 Creek ReLeaf Program Will Close on December 15, 2022
  • Future Harvest Annual Conference
  • Holiday Wishes
  • A Guide to Custom Operators

November 3, 2022

  • Fall Training & Recertification Classes
  • We're Hiring for the Frederick Office Central Cluster Area Extension Director
  • 2023 Custom Rate Survey Open
  • Adult Mental Health First Aid:Virtual Applied Skills Workshop
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series:Benchmarking for Success
  • Wednesday Webinar:Keeping Your Fields Fine and Dandy-lion Free
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Trainingand Testing- Washington County
  • Pasture Walk at UMD Beef Demonstration Site
  • Cattle Health Management - Calving

September 30, 2022

  • Fall Training & Recertification Classes
  • We're Hiring for the Frederick Office4-H Youth Development Agent
  • Pasture Walk at Fiddlers Folly Farm
  • Maryland Advanced Grazing Workshopwith Ranching for Profit
  • Agricultural and EnvironmentalLaw Conference

September 1, 2022

  • Pesticide and Nutrient Voucher Training & Recertification
  • Potomac Edison Agricultural Energy Efficient Incentive Program
  • WMREC Sprayer and Pesticide ApplicationTwilight Meeting
  • Effective Pesticide Application Twilight - WyeREC
  • Online Course: The Woods in Your Backyard
  • Let's Talk About Climate Change: Motivate Everyone You Know to Be Part of the Solution
  • Solar Workshops
  • Wednesday Webinar: Decision Making Resources and Tools for Cover Cropping and Other Best Management Practices
  • Wednesday Webinar: Farming Time Management
  • Maryland’s 2022 Pesticide ContainerRecycling Program
  • Woodland & Wildlife Wednesdays
  • Pasture Walk at Kefauver Farms
  • Pasture Walk at Fiddlers Folly Farm
  • Maryland Grazing School
  • We're Hiring - Business Services Specialist

July 28, 2022

July 28, 2022

  • ALEI August Webinar Series
  • ANMP Summer Series Part 2:Optimizing Fertilizer Use andPhosphorus Mining
  • Solar on the Farm
  • Virtual Forum: We Need an Epidemic of Climate Action
  • Wednesday Webinar: Farm Stress Management and Resiliency
  • The Maryland State Fair
  • WMREC Sprayer and Pesticide Application Twilight Meeting
  • Maryland's 2022 Pesticide Container Recycling Program

June 30, 2022

  • Tractor College: Maryland Soybean Board and Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board
  • Farming Practices Request
  • Upcoming Webinars

March 9, 2022

  • Maryland Beef Webinars
  • Avian Influenza
  • MDA Farming for Healthy Soil Program
  • 2022 Novel Tall Fescue Renovation Workshop
  • Free Therapy Services for Farm Families
  • Applications Open forAgriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • County Calls for Applications for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program
  • Questions During the Growing Season?
  • FCMG Plant Sale

January 28, 2022

  • Ag Agent Position
  • USDA Confirms Additional Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
  • Central MD Agronomy Update Meeting
  • Well Water Quality Survey and Project
  • AIR Help Day
  • Nutrient Management Farmer Training and Certification
  • Annie's Project
  • Solar Development Leasing: University of MarylandFocus Group Interest & Availability
  • Solar Workshops
  • Upcoming Ag Programs

Small Farms

May 10, 2024

  • 2024 Strawberry Twilight Tour
  • 2024 Basic Grazing School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Financial Assistance forSeptic Systems and Wells
  • VT/Virginia Soil Health Alliance:Agroforestry Field Day
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Maryland Grain Producers:Small Grain Field Days
  • Boots to Business Emerging Farmer
  • Rodale Institute: Prepare for Battle!How to Establish aFull Spectrum Organic IPM Program
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • 4-H 40th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlanticwith a focus on Solar Development

April 8, 2024

  • Soil Health to Go!
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Microplastics – Concerns and What CanWe Do About Them
  • Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition:Adams County Soil Quality Meeting
  • Labor Webinars Planned forAgricultural Employers
  • Hemp Dos And Don’ts
  • 2024 Shooting Clays Fundraiser
  • High Tunnel Workshop at Clagett Farm
  • Pasture Walk at Hidden Waters Farm
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Small Ruminants:To Cull Or Not To Cull?
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:Cover Crop Grazing Workshop withDr. Allen Williams and Mark Bodkin
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • IPM Review for Ag Service Providers
  • Mountains-to-Bay Grazing AllianceField Day: Dr. Allen Williams
  • Cover Crop Field Day
  • Grazing Field Day

March 8, 2024

  • Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • Cultivating Knowledge Together:Maryland's Peer-PoweredLand Use Workshop
  • 2024 Webinars:Farm Well Drinking Water Quality
  • Free At-Home Drinking Water Testing
  • Soil Health To Go!With One Acre Farm
  • Unlocking The Potential Of Biochar:Impacts On Soil Health And Productivity
  • Transition to Organic: Seeding Sustainabilityin Maryland Agriculture
  • Delmarva and the Ground for Change
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Small Farm Orientation
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Answering Your QuestionsAbout Septic Systems
  • Organic Vegetable Production:Cover Crops And No-Till Techniques
  • County Calls for Applications forMaryland Agricultural LandPreservation Foundation Program
  • Strategies to Extend the Grazing Season

February 1, 2024

  • Welcome Sabrina Summers
  • We're Hiring
  • Revive Compost
  • Carroll County Private PesticideApplicator Recertification
  • 2024 Maryland AgriculturalPesticide Conference
  • DelMarVa Soil Summit
  • UME & Maryland Horse Board:FARMING & FINANCES:Agricultural Accounting Seminar
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension:USDA Information Session
  • Grain Marketing Meetings
  • Managing Human Risk in the Farm andBusiness Conference
  • 2024 Webinars: Miscanthus as anAlternative Crop in the Mid-Atlantic
  • 2024 Western MarylandRegional Fruit Meeting
  • 23rd Women in AgricultureRegional Conference
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension:Small Farm Orientation
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Record Keeping on Your Computer Or Smartphone
  • 2024 Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Cottage Foods Business Workshop:Basics, Next Steps & Beyond
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension:Diversifying Streams of RevenueOn Your Farm
  • Workforce Development &Extension Internships
  • Maryland Climate-Smart Agriculture Project:Have Your Say….

January 12, 2024

  • University of MarylandNutrient Management Plan Reminders
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course now open!
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension:Small Farm Orientation
  • Basic Tips to Maintain a Septic System
  • Future Harvest 2024 Annual Conference:Nourish and Flourish
  • 2024 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Bi-weekly (every other) Grain Marketing Meetings: Frederick and Carroll Counties
  • Pennsylvania No Till Alliance:Winter Meeting - East
  • 2024 Manure Management Workshop
  • 2024 Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update Meeting

December 1, 2023

  • Stock up for Spring with Revive Compost™ and Double-ground Mulch from Frederick County
  • 2023 Nutrient Management Voucher Training and Recertification
  • Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Rodale Webinar: Impact of traditional and regenerative tillage on soil health and nutrient quality of organic broccoli
  • 2023 Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training
  • 2023 Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Grazing Conference

October 27, 2023

  • New Updates to theNutrient Management Program
  • Upcoming Trainings - Pesticide and Nutrient Management Voucher
  • Penn State Extension
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Cover Crop Termination
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Crops and Nitrogen Management
  • Future Harvest:Nice Farms Creamery Field Day
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore:20th Annual Small Farm Conference
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Backyard Farming Zoom Sessions:Small Ruminant 911s
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More ResultsFrom Conservation Practices
  • Pasture Walk at Sasscer Farms
  • Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:What New Homeowners Need to KnowAbout a Septic System
  • Agricultural and EnvironmentalLaw Conference
  • Virginia Tech: Organic Farming: Tillage, Chemical Abstinence and Soil Resource Protection

October 2, 2023

  • We're Hiring:Nutrient Management AdvisorFrederick County - Position #128841
  • Upcoming Trainings (Pesticide & Nutrient Voucher)
  • 2023 Women in Agriculture Fall Tour
  • PA Soil Health CoalitionFencepost Fundamentals:Choosing a Cover Crop
  • PASA: Organic, ROC, OPT - what do these certifications and labels mean for dairy graziers and how are they accessed?
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • VT/Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp
    • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Future Harvest:Member Meet-up at Farmacy Brewery
  • Wednesday Webinars: Estate Planning
  • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Future Harvest: Beginner Farmer Training Program Applications are now available
  • Winter Care for your Well and Septic System
  • Pasture Walk at Ambling Brook Farm
  • Train-the-trainer:Integrated Pest Management forUrban and Small Farms Series
  • AGNR Cornerstone Event:Advancing Agricultural Production Systems
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore:20th Annual Small Farm Conference
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars:Getting More Results fromConservation Practices

September 6, 2023

  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Future Harvest: Beginner Farmer Training Program Applications are now available
  • Future Harvest: CSA Farming Field Day at Potomac Vegetable Farms
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agricultural Taxes
  • Beginning Care Farmer Virtual Series
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension:Small Farm Orientation
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Upgrading to anAdvanced Treatment Septic System
  • Maryland Grazing School 2023
  • Pumpkin Twilight Tour
  • Nutrient Management Training Course: Farmer Training & Certification (FTC) Online: For Agronomic Crop and Animal Operations
  • Pasture Walk at Aerie Farm East
  • Produce Safety Field Day at Terp Farm
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:
    • 2023 Stockmanship/Grazing Infrastructure Training
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp

August 3, 2023

  • Virginia Tech Webinars
    • Soil Health and Organic Productionwith Mark Schonbeck
    • Biological Nutrient Management and Soil Health with Mark Schonbeck
  • Penn State: Ag Progress Days
  • Women in Ag - Wednesday Webinars: Smart Actions for Mental Health
  • Horticultural Twilight Meeting/Seminar
  • Pasture Management Seminar
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Invasive Species Affecting Virginia - Spotted Lanternfly and Asian Longhorn Tick
  • 2023 UMES Ag Showcase with Atlantic Tractor
  • Wednesday Water Webinars -Pond Management Basics
  • Pasture Walk at Leaning Pine Farm
  • Extending The Sheep & Goat Grazing SeasonVirtual Pasture Walk
  • Record Keeping for Regenerative Farming
  • 2023 4R Symposium
  • County Calls for Installment Purchase Program Applications

July 7, 2023

  • Pasture Walk - WMREC
  • Flower Production Field Day At Winding Root Farm
  • 2023 Tick Education / Pasture Walk Series
  • Wednesday Webinars:Alternate Fertility Sourcesfor Forage Systems
  • Maryland State Horticultural SocietySummer Tour
  • Nutrient Management Plan Writing Summit
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Wednesday Water Webinar:Drinking Water Treatment
  • Future HarvestRegenerative Grazing, Silvopastureand More at Porch View Farm
  • USDA FSA Information Session
  • Beekeeping & Animal Husbandry
  • Future Harvest Meet-Up at Milkhouse Brewery
  • Estate Planning and Land Transition
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Organic Market Development Grant Opportunity
  • Hand 'n Hand Livestock SolutionsOnline Courses: Proper Stockmanshipand/or Livestock Marketing
  • Beginner Farmer Training Program
  • Office of Economic Development Celebrates10 Years of Homegrown Frederick
  • Innovative Agriculture ProjectsSupported by County Grants

June 8, 2023

  • Frederick County's 275th Anniversary Jubilee Schedule of Events
  • Wednesday Webinars:Creating a Farm Lease Agreement
  • Soil Health To Go!With Bay JournalEditor-At-Large, Karl Blankenship
  • Penn State Extension Webinar:Large-Scale Solar fromthe Developer Perspective
  • Frederick County Farm BureauFarm Safety Camp
  • Cultivating Conservation Workshop Webinar
  • Virtual Small Farm Orientation
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:What We Need to Know AboutPFAS – the Forever Chemicals
  • Pasture Walk: Clear Springs Creamery
  • Hand 'n Hand Livestock Solutions Proper Livestock Marketing
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Beginner Farmer Training Program
  • Marylanders Online Call Center
  • We're Hiring

May 5, 2023

  • Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival
  • Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinars:Farm Well and Septic Care
  • Maryland Department of Agriculture:2023 Deer Summit
  • 2023 Strawberry Twilight Tour
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Small Farm Orientation
  • Financial Assistance Programs forPrivate Wells and Septic Systems
  • Small Grains Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:Summer Pasture Walk at Burnley Farm
  • Pasture Walk at Goose Hill Farm
  • County Calls for ApplicationsforCritical Farms Program

April 7, 2023

  • We're Hiring
  • Hoof Health Workshop for Dairy
  • Sustainable Food Lecture Series
  • Agritourism: How to Fully Utilize Your Land & Resources
  • Women in Ag Wednesday Webinars
  • Soil Health To Go!
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Making Dollars and Sense Out of Backyard Poultry
  • Wednesday Water Webinars
  • Wildlife Wednesday
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
  • 2023 Basic Grazing School
  • Introduction to Permaculture and Site Design Workshop
  • Pasture Walk at University of Maryland Dairy
  • So You Want to Own Rural Land in Maryland
  • Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology Summer 2023 Communications Internship

March2, 2023

  • Pruning to Restore Orchards
  • Wednesday WebinarsSmartphone Studio
  • Soil Amendment Workshop
  • USDA Information Session Zoom Event
  • QuickBooks for Farmers, Part1Zoom Event
  • Wednesday Water WebinarBasic Tips for Managing Ponds
  • Farm Wells and Drinking Water Quality
  • Diversify Your Cover CropsOn-Farm Series
  • Planting a Food Forest
  • Landowner OrientedAgricultural Law Webinars
  • Application Period Opens forMDAgricultural Land PreservationFoundation Program

February 2, 2023

  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Backyard Farming: Flock Fridays
  • Maryland Sheep Breeders Association 2023 Sheep Shearing School
  • Power Couples Retreat
  • Private Applicator Pesticide TrainingCarroll County
  • Central Maryland Commercial ApplicatorRecertification Course
  • Vegetable Growers Meetings
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health:Presented by Catoctin and FrederickSCD's &The Frederick Co. FB
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Changes to Livestock Antibiotic Regulations in 2023
  • Produce Safety Rule Grower Training
  • Annual Implementation Reports (AIR) Help Day
  • Nutrient Management PlanUpdate Sessions for 2023
  • Wednesday Water Webinars:Upgrading Your Septic System to Best Available Technology
  • Wildlife Wednesday:Agronomic Considerations for PlantingWildlife Food Plots in Maryland: Dove & Deer
  • 22nd Women In AgricultureRegional Conference
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore:Agribusiness Tax Management Workshop
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Annie's Project Course
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Let's Get Ready For Your 2023 Farmer's Market Display
  • Poultry Legal Issues:Suspicious Vehicles and Drones
  • Wednesday Webinars: Smartphone Studio
  • Soil Amendments Workshop

January 5, 2023

  • 2023 Pennsylvania Farm Show
  • Delaware Ag Week 2023
  • Wednesday Webinars: Benchmarking for Success of the Cow-Calf Herd
  • Soil Health To Go! With Moon Valley Farm: Webinar Series
  • Future Harvest Conference
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Small Farm Orientation Webinar
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Smart Use of Deicing Salts
  • VA Cooperative Extension:
    • Recordkeeping on your Computer or Smartphone
    • How to Write a Business Plan for Lenders
  • 2023 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Produce Safety Rule Grower Training
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: 2023 Winter Forage Conference Series
  • Landowner OrientedAgricultural Law Workshop
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid
  • Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention
  • Private Applicator RecertificationCarroll County
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Maryland Sheep Breeders Association 2023 Sheep Shearing School
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health
  • Virtual Cottage Food Workshop
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update

December 1, 2022

  • Private Applicator Pesticide Recertification- Frederick County Office
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Recertification- Carroll County Office
  • Nutrient Management VoucherTraining & Recertification-Frederick County Office
  • 2023 Custom Rate Survey
  • We're Hiring: Agricultural Technician Lead
  • Cattle Health Management - CALVING
  • 1st AnnualMaryland Mushroom Growers Symposium
  • Ag Law Education InitiativeUpcoming Events & Programs
  • Indigenous Farmer Caucus
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series:Wintering Bulls & Cows
  • Wednesday Water Webinar:Winter Care for a Septic System
  • Wednesday Webinar:Understanding Property Purchase Agreements
  • Application Period for 2022 Creek ReLeaf Program Will Close on December 15, 2022
  • Future Harvest Annual Conference
  • Holiday Wishes
  • A Guide to Custom Operators

November 3, 2022

  • Fall Training & Recertification Classes
  • We're Hiring for the Frederick Office Central Cluster Area Extension Director
  • 2023 Custom Rate Survey Open
  • Adult Mental Health First Aid:Virtual Applied Skills Workshop
  • Urban Farmer Field School
  • Black Farmer Caucus
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series:Benchmarking for Success
  • Wednesday Webinar:Keeping Your Fields Fine and Dandy-lion Free
  • Taking Cover Crops to theNext Level Field Day
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Trainingand Testing- Washington County
  • Pasture Walk at UMD Beef Demonstration Site
  • Cattle Health Management - Calving

September 30, 2022

  • Fall Training & Recertification Classes
  • We're Hiring for the Frederick Office4-H Youth Development Agent
  • MD 4-H Foundation's 38th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Open House: Institute of Applied Agriculture
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: UtilizingCrop Residue as a Forage Source
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agriculture Leases
  • Pasture Walk at Fiddlers Folly Farm
  • Cover Crop Planning forSmall-to-Mid Scale Diversified Farms
  • Wednesday Water Webinar:Things New Homeowners Need to KnowAbout Their Septic System
  • Stakeholder MeetingsValue Added Center
  • Maryland Advanced Grazing Workshopwith Ranching for Profit
  • Wednesday Webinar: Regulatory Decision Trees for Value-Added Foods
  • Agricultural and EnvironmentalLaw Conference

September 1, 2022

  • Pesticide and Nutrient Voucher Training & Recertification
  • Potomac Edison Agricultural Energy Efficient Incentive Program
  • WMREC Sprayer and Pesticide ApplicationTwilight Meeting
  • Effective Pesticide Application Twilight - WyeREC
  • Future Harvest CASA and Fox Haven Farm: Herb Farm Best Practices
  • Online Course: The Woods in Your Backyard
  • Let's Talk About Climate Change: Motivate Everyone You Know to Be Part of the Solution
  • Garden Smarter Hugelkultur For Run Off Management and Soil Enhancement
  • Adventures in Medium-Scale Food Scraps Composting: EcoCity Farms
  • Solar Workshops
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Spring Stocker Cattle Recap: Successes and Lessons Learned
  • Adventures in Medium-Scale Food Scraps Composting: EcoCity Farms
  • Wednesday Webinar: Decision Making Resources and Tools for Cover Cropping and Other Best Management Practices
  • Wednesday Webinar: Farming Time Management
  • Maryland’s 2022 Pesticide ContainerRecycling Program
  • Woodland & Wildlife Wednesdays
  • Pasture Walk at Kefauver Farms
  • Pasture Walk at Fiddlers Folly Farm
  • Poultry Farm Management forNew & Existing Growers
  • Special Commercial Cut Flower GrowersField Day
  • Nursery/Greenhouse/Controlled Environment Nutrient Management Plan Development
  • Maryland Grazing School
  • We're Hiring - Business Services Specialist

July 28, 2022

  • ALEI August Webinar Series
  • Maryland State Horticultural Society Summer Tour, hosted at Rock Hill Orchard & Woodbourne Creamery
  • ANMP Summer Series Part 2:Optimizing Fertilizer Use andPhosphorus Mining
  • Field Crops Research Twilight Barbecue and Ice Cream Social
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series:Pasture Management: Stockpiling Tips
  • New MDA Animal Diagnostic Laband Education Tour
  • Solar on the Farm
  • Virtual Forum: We Need an Epidemic of Climate Action
  • Wednesday Webinar: Farm Stress Management and Resiliency
  • Pasture Walk at Sines Family Farm
  • Future Harvest CASA Public Field DayHeld at Good Dog Farm
  • Future Harvest CASA: 2023 Beginner Farmer Training Program Applications Open
  • Virginia Tech Shenandoah Valley Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2022 Field Day
  • The Maryland State Fair
  • WMREC Sprayer and Pesticide Application Twilight Meeting
  • Maryland's 2022 Pesticide Container Recycling Program

June 30, 2022

  • Cover Your Bases - Plant Cover Crops
  • Tractor College: Maryland Soybean Board and Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board
  • Farming Practices Request
  • Upcoming Webinars & Field Days

June 6, 2022

  • Aerial Application of Cover Crop Seeds - Webinar
  • MDA 2022 Pesticide Container Recycling Collection Dates
  • UME Survey
  • Avian Influenza Confirmed in Black Vultures
  • Market Readiness: Insider Tips For Maintaining Produce Quality After Harvest
  • Department Offering One-Time Bonus Payment for Approved CLEAR30 Enrollment
  • Gardner Advances Plans forAgriculture Innovation Center - Frederick County Govt.
  • Upcoming Webinars and Events

March 9, 2022

  • Avian Influenza
  • MDA Farming for Healthy Soil Program
  • Maryland Produce Farm Survey
  • Backyard Farming Series - Flock Fridays
  • Free Therapy Services for Farm Families
  • County Executive Proposes Bills to StreamlineFarm Stand Process
  • Applications Open forAgriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • County Calls for Applications for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program
  • Questions During the Growing Season?
  • FCMG Plant Sale

January 28, 2022

  • Ag Agent Position
  • USDA Confirms Additional Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
  • Central MD Agronomy Update Meeting
  • Well Water Quality Survey and Project
  • Farm to School Program
  • AIR Help Day
  • Nutrient Management Farmer Training and Certification
  • Annie's Project
  • Solar Development Leasing: University of MarylandFocus Group Interest & Availability
  • Solar Workshops
  • Upcoming Ag Programs
Agriculture and Food Systems (2024)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.