Bible viæ | Liber Ezechielis (2024)

20 Et factum est in anno septimo, in quinto, in decima mensis ; venerunt viri de senioribus Israel ut interrogarent Dominum, et sederunt coram me.

2 Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:

3 Fili hominis, loquere senioribus Israel, et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Numquid ad interrogandum me vos venistis? vivo ego quia non respondebo vobis, ait Dominus Deus.

4 Si judicas eos, si judicas fili hominis, abominationes patrum eorum ostende eis.

5 Et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: in die, qua elegi Israel, et levavi manum meam pro stirpe domus Jacob, et apparui eis in terra Ægypti, et levavi manum meam pro eis, dicens: Ego Dominus Deus vester;

6 In die illa levavi manum meam pro eis, ut educerem eos de terra Ægypti, in terram quam provideram eis, fluentem lacte, et melle ; quæ est egregia inter omnes terras.

7 Et dixi ad eos: Unusquisque offensiones oculorum suorum abjiciat, et in idolis Ægypti nolite pollui; ego Dominus Deus vester.

8 Et irritaverunt me, nolueruntque me audire; unusquisque abominationes oculorum suorum non projecit, nec idola Ægypti reliquerunt ; et dixi ut effunderem indignationem meam super eos, et implerem iram meam in eis, in medio terræ Ægypti.

9 Et feci propter nomen meum, ut non violaretur coram gentibus, in quarum medio erant, et inter quas apparui eis ut educerem eos de terra Ægypti.

10 Ejeci ergo eos de terra Ægypti, et eduxi eos in desertum.

11 Et dedi eis præcepta mea, et judicia mea ostendi eis, quæ faciens hom*o, vivet in eis.

12 Insuper et sabbata mea dedi eis, ut essent signum inter me et eos ; et scirent quia ego Dominus sanctificans eos.

13 Et irritaverunt me domus Israel in deserto, in præceptis meis non ambulaverunt, et judicia mea projecerunt, quæ faciens hom*o vivet in eis ; et sabbata mea violaverunt vehementer ; dixi ergo ut effunderem furorem meum super eos in deserto, et consumerem eos.

14 Et feci propter nomen meum, ne violaretur coram gentibus, de quibus ejeci eos in conspectu earum.

15 Ego igitur levavi manum meam super eos in deserto, ne inducerem eos in terram, quam dedi eis, fluentem lacte, et melle, præcipuam terrarum omnium;

16 Quia judicia mea projecerunt, et in præceptis meis non ambulaverunt, et sabbata mea violaverunt; post idola enim cor eorum gradiebatur.

17 Et pepercit oculus meus super eos, ut non interficerem eos; nec consumpsi eos in deserto.

18 Dixi autem ad filios eorum in solitudine: In præceptis patrum vestrorum nolite incedere, nec judicia eorum custodiatis, nec in idolis eorum polluamini.

19 Ego Dominus Deus vester; in præceptis meis ambulate, judicia mea custodite, et facite ea ;

20 Et sabbata mea sanctificate ut sint signum inter me et vos, et sciatis quia ego sum Dominus Deus vester.

21 Et exacerbaverunt me filii, in præceptis meis non ambulaverunt ; et judicia mea non custodierunt ut facerent ea ; quæ cum fecerit hom*o, vivet in eis : et sabbata mea violaverunt ; et comminatus sum ut effunderem furorem meum super eos, et implerem iram meam in eis in deserto.

22 Averti autem manum meam, et feci propter nomen meum, ut non violaretur coram gentibus, de quibus ejeci eos in oculis earum.

23 Iterum levavi manum meam in eos in solitudine, ut dispergerem illos in nationes, et ventilarem in terras ;

24 Eo quod judicia mea non fecissent, et præcepta mea reprobassent, et sabbata mea violassent, et post idola patrum suorum fuissent oculi eorum.

25 Ergo et ego dedi eis præcepta non bona, et judicia in quibus non vivent.

26 Et pollui eos in muneribus suis, cum offerrent omne, quod aperit vulvam, propter delicta sua; et scient quia ego Dominus.

27 Quam ob rem loquere ad domum Israel, fili hominis ; et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Adhuc et in hoc blasphemaverunt me patres vestri, cum sprevissent me contemnentes ;

28 Et induxissem eos in terram, super quam levavi manum meam ut darem eis; viderunt omnem collem excelsum, et omne lignum nemorosum, et immolaverunt ibi victimas suas ; et dederunt ibi irritationem oblationis suæ, et posuerunt ibi odorem suavitatis suæ, et libaverunt libationes suas.

29 Et dixi ad eos: Quid est excelsum, ad quod vos ingredimini? et vocatum est nomen ejus excelsum usque ad hanc diem.

30 Propterea dic ad domum Israel: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Certe in via patrum vestrorum vos polluimini, et post offendicula eorum vos fornicamini;

31 Et in oblatione donorum vestrorum, cum traducitis filios vestros per ignem, vos polluimini in omnibus idolis vestris usque hodie; et ego respondebo vobis domus Israel? Vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, quia non respondebo vobis.

32 Neque cogitatio mentis vestræ fiet, dicentium: Erimus sicut gentes, et sicut cognationes terræ ut colamus ligna, et lapides.

33 Vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, quoniam in manu forti, et in brachio extento, et in furore effuso regnabo super vos.

34 Et educam vos de populis ; et congregabo vos de terris, in quibus dispersi estis, in manu valida, et in brachio extento, et in furore effuso regnabo super vos.

35 Et adducam vos in desertum populorum, et judicabor vobiscum ibi facie ad faciem.

36 Sicut judicio contendi adversum patres vestros in deserto terræ Ægypti, sic judicabo vos, dicit Dominus Deus.

37 Et subjiciam vos sceptro meo, et inducam vos in vinculis fœderis.

38 Et eligam de vobis transgressores, et impios, et de terra incolatus eorum educam eos, et in terram Israel non ingredientur; et scietis quia ego Dominus.

39 Et vos domus Israel, hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Singuli post idola vestra ambulate, et servite eis. Quod si et in hoc non audieritis me, et nomen meum sanctum pollueritis ultra in muneribus vestris, et in idolis vestris;

40 In monte sancto meo, in monte excelso Israel, ait Dominus Deus, ibi serviet mihi omnis domus Israel; omnes inquam, in terra, in qua placebunt mihi, et ibi quæram primitias vestras, et initium decimarum vestrarum in omnibus sanctificationibus vestris.

41 In odorem suavitatis suscipiam vos, cum eduxero vos de populis, et congregavero vos de terris in quas dispersi estis, et sanctificabor in vobis in oculis nationum.

42 Et scietis quia ego Dominus, cum induxero vos ad terram Israel, in terram, pro qua levavi manum meam, ut darem eam patribus vestris.

43 Et recordabimini ibi viarum vestrarum, et omnium scelerum vestrorum, quibus polluti estis in eis; et displicebitis vobis in conspectu vestro in omnibus malitiis vestris, quas fecistis.

44 Et scietis quia ego Dominus, cum benefecero vobis propter nomen meum, et non secundum vias vestras malas, neque secundum scelera vestra pessima domus Israel, ait Dominus Deus.

45 Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:

46 Fili hominis, pone faciem tuam contra viam Austri, et stilla ad Africum, et propheta ad saltum agri meridiani.

47 Et dices saltui meridiano: Audi verbum Domini: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego succendam in te ignem, et comburam in te omne lignum viride, et omne lignum aridum; non extinguetur flamma succensionis; et comburetur in ea omnis facies ab austro usque ad aquilonem,

48 Et videbit universa caro, quia ego Dominus succendi eam, nec extinguetur.

49 Et dixi: A a a, Domine Deus; ipsi dic*nt de me: Numquid non per parabolas loquitur iste?

Hieronymus Vulgata (IntraText Edition) || Vulgatæ Editionis, Sixti V et Clementis VIII, Anno 2009, R. Conte Editore : SacredBible.orgNova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio.

Bible viæ | Liber Ezechielis (1)

Bible viæ | Liber Ezechielis (2024)


What was Ezekiel's main message? ›

Out of the darkness of Israel and all humanity's evil emerges a future full of hope. There will be new humans in a new world animated by God's life-giving Spirit and living in a world permeated with God's love and justice. This is the profound hope of the prophet Ezekiel.

What is the book of Ezekiel trying to tell us? ›

The book of Ezekiel can be vague and confusing for some readers, but with careful reading, we can see key details of God's character and his care for his people. Many of Ezekiel's divine visions point to God's plans for reconstructing the present world and restoring his people to ideals of the garden of Eden.

What is the main theme of the book of Ezekiel? ›

Its themes include the concepts of the presence of God, purity, Israel as a divine community, and individual responsibility to God. Its later influence has included the development of mystical and apocalyptic traditions in Second Temple Judaism, Rabbinic Judaism, and Christianity.

What is the lesson of the book of Ezekiel? ›

The book of Ezekiel reminds us to seek out the Lord in those dark times when we feel lost, to examine our own lives, and to align ourselves with the one true God.

What are the key points of the book of Ezekiel? ›

The book of Ezekiel includes a prophecy of a great battle that will precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (see Ezekiel 38–39). Additionally, Ezekiel 40–48 contains a description of a temple that will be built in Jerusalem in the latter days.

What did God call Ezekiel to do? ›

In Ezekiel 4:1–8, God told him he would be an object lesson for the Jewish people concerning what He would do to Jerusalem. As part of the command, God instructed Ezekiel to lie on his left side for 390 days next to a model of the coming siege of Jerusalem.

What did God warn Ezekiel about? ›

Ezekiel heard from God that judgment was coming soon, and had to announce it. b. O wicked man, you shall surely die: This was the main message of Ezekiel (and Jeremiah), though in general they brought the message to Jerusalem and to the kingdom of Israel more than to specific individuals.

What does Ezekiel mean spiritually? ›

Ezekiel, e-ze'-k1-el (Heb.)-- God strengthens; God is strong; God is powerful; whom God makes strong. One of the four major prophets. He was one of a colony of captive Jews by the river Chebar, in Babylon; it was there that he did his prophesying (The Book of Ezekiel).

What happened to Ezekiel in the Bible? ›

Ezekiel continued to prophecy while in exile. His visions and teachings are written in the Book of Ezekiel. He died around 570 BC. A specific cause of death is not provided.

What did Ezekiel see in the sky? ›

Ezekiel had his vision in Babylon as one of the captive exiles (Ezek 1:1–3 ). Comparing his vision to Babylonian iconography reveals that Ezekiel saw a divine “throne chariot” of the heavens—widely described in the ancient biblical world. Just as human kings had chariots, so did deities.

Why did God leave the temple in Ezekiel? ›

Recall that earlier in his ministry, Ezekiel saw the glory of the Lord leave the temple, signifying the withdrawal of His protection from Jerusalem, His judgment on the people, and the coming fall of the city to Babylon (Ezek. 10ï¾–11).

Who was the wife of prophet Ezekiel? ›

According to Jewish tradition, Ezekiel did not write the biblical Book of Ezekiel, but rather his prophecies were collected by the Great Assembly. Ezekiel, like Jeremiah, is said by Talmud and Midrash to have been a descendant of Joshua by his marriage with the proselyte and former prostitute Rahab.

What is the key message of Ezekiel? ›

Ezekiel prophesied that the exiles from both Judah and Israel would return to Palestine, leaving none in the Diaspora. In the imminent new age a new covenant would be made with the restored house of Israel, to whom God would give a new spirit and a new heart.

What is the brief summary of the book of Ezekiel? ›

WHAT'S IT ABOUT? The book contains the prophecies, visions, and symbolic acts of Ezekiel during the exile, concerning the Temple, Jerusalem, Judah, and the nations. The book addresses the catastrophe of the Babylonian Exile with a new theological understanding of central religious components.

What is the theological message of the book of Ezekiel? ›

Summary of The Message of Ezekiel

Ezekiel strived to bring meaning, comfort and hope to a shattered, decimated and demoralised remnant of God's people, Israel - a challenge Christians must all emulate in our increasingly troubled world today.

What was Ezekiel's mission from God? ›

-Ezekiel's mission was to teach the Jews of the captivity Jehovah's plan for the restoration of his people. Their hopes were set upon a speedy return from the exile and upon the rehabilitation of Jerusalem and Judea.

What did Ezekiel want? ›

Ezekiel's task was to declare God's message to them. He had to tell them the reason why they were in Babylon. God was punishing them. This was a very serious matter.

What are the major themes of Ezekiel's poems? ›

The recurring note in Ezekiel's poetry is the hurt that urban civilization inflicts on modern man. The major themes of his poetry are “ Love, personal integration, the Indian contemporary scene, modern urban life and spiritual values. Nissim Ezekiel ,the most famous Indian Writer in English was born in Bombay in 1924.

What are the dry bones in our lives? ›

These dry bones represent people. The Bible says, "He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life" (1 John 5:12). If a person does not have Jesus, his bones are bleached, white, and dry. Spiritually speaking, he has no life.

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