Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (2024)

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Apricot Balls Recipe

These soft apricot and coconut balls contain crushed peanuts, chunks of fluffy marshmallow, and finely chopped white chocolate. For optimum flavour, we remove the apricot balls from the fridge about 15 minutes before serving.

Preparation time: about 30 minutes

Makes about 36 balls (3 centimetre diameter).

125g Nice biscuits (we use Arnott's brand)
125g dried apricots
60g (2/3 cup) finely chopped white marshmallows
30g (2 1/2 tablespoons) crushed nuts (peanuts)
20g (1/4 cup) desiccated coconut
40g (1/4 cup) finely chopped white chocolate
220g (2/3 cup) sweetened condensed milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (1/2 teaspoon natural vanilla essence)
80g (1 cup) desiccated coconut, for rolling

Place biscuits and dried apricots in a food processor. Process on medium-high speed for about 30 seconds, or until biscuits are finely crushed and apricots are very finely chopped. Transfer biscuit and apricot mixture to a large bowl. © exclusivelyfood.com.au

If you don't have a food processor, crush the biscuits in a blender or place the biscuits in a plastic bag and roll over them with a rolling pin until they are finely crushed. Place biscuit crumbs in a large bowl. Very finely chop the apricots and add to the bowl with the biscuit crumbs.

Add marshmallows, nuts, 20g coconut, and white chocolate to the biscuit mixture and stir until well combined. Separate any clumps of marshmallow to ensure the marshmallow is evenly distributed throughout the mixture. Add combined condensed milk and vanilla to the bowl, and stir until well combined.

Place extra 80g of coconut in a medium bowl. Roll mixture into balls and then coat with coconut.

Place apricot balls in a single layer in an airtight container. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

If you would prefer to make a larger number of apricot balls (approximately 60 balls) and use the whole can of condensed milk, the quantities are as below.

220g Nice biscuits (we use Arnott's brand)
220g dried apricots
105g (1 cup, lightly packed) finely chopped white marshmallows
55g (1/3 cup, firmly packed) crushed nuts (peanuts)
35g (scant 1/2 cup) desiccated coconut
70g (scant 1/2 cup) finely chopped white chocolate
1 395g can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (1 teaspoon natural vanilla essence)
120g (1 1/2 cups) desiccated coconut, for rolling

Christmas gift idea: Wrap apricot balls in clear cellophane and tie with a ribbon.

© www.exclusivelyfood.com.au

posted by Amanda and Debbie at 11:29 am Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (7)Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (8)


Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (9)Anonymous said...

Hi was wondering about using milk choc rather than white??
Can the balls be frozen (I'm into making gifts in advance, to avoid the last minute panic)?

22/11/07 9:54 pm
Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (10)Amanda and Debbie said...

Any type of chocolate could be used in this recipe. The apricot balls are suitable to freeze.

25/11/07 2:58 pm
Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (11)Anonymous said...

is there any subsitute of marshmallow ?

11/12/07 7:43 am
Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (12)Amanda and Debbie said...

If you don't wish to use marshmallows, they could be omitted from the recipe.

13/12/07 3:36 pm
Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (13)Anonymous said...

These are devine!!! I made these up x4 as teacher's gift and Christmas favours and they went down so well I just emailed the link to several who requested it!!! I also adore your choc chip cookies and spinach dip!! Great Website. Thank you and MERRY CHRISTMAS!! :)

18/12/07 3:53 pm
Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (14)Anonymous said...

I made these a few hours ago and my family love them!! They are awesome! Was struggling to get them back in the fridge! My dad was a bit skeptical with the marshmallow. But he loves them. Think it's the best thing i've ever made.

Thanks so much. I love your recipes. =)

19/10/08 8:10 pm
Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (15)Anonymous said...

Does it matter if I leave out the peanuts?

30/10/08 1:16 pm
Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (16)Amanda and Debbie said...

Hi Lana

It would be fine to omit the peanuts.

30/10/08 1:42 pm
Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (17)Anonymous said...

I made these as gifts for Christmas and they were so easy :o) Next time I'll leave out the nuts though. Thanks for a great recipe!

29/12/08 5:02 pm
Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (18)Jenny Quld said...

I made these for Christmas and they were a huge hit! Thank you for a great recipe.

I did cheat a little and put everything in the food processor, it made it very quick and easy.

29/1/09 1:04 pm
Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (19)Anonymous said...

Fabulous. Your recipes are fantastic and everything I cook works out a treat. Thank you so much

16/10/09 9:35 pm
Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (20)Anonymous said...

how long do these keep for roughly??

7/12/09 1:32 pm
Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (21)Amanda and Debbie said...

The label on the condensed milk that we use says that once the can is opened, the condensed milk can be kept in the fridge for up to five days. Because condensed milk is a major ingredient in our apricot balls, and the apricot balls are not cooked, we aren't sure whether it would be safe to keep them in the fridge for more than five days. If you'd like to store them for longer, you could try freezing them.

3/1/10 10:38 pm

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Exclusively Food: Apricot Balls Recipe (2024)
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